Apothecary - Before we had doctors and hospitals

Before there were hospitals, doctors and nurses there was Apothecary shops filled with bottles of preserved herbs, tinctures, spices medical equipment, cosmetics and other helpful items. The Apothecary shop used to be connected to the general store or very close by the general store. Herbs would be grinned or distilled in preparation for medical use. Once upon a time you could trust those who ran Apothecary shops because they were people who truly wanted to help heal those who were sick. Unfortunately, in 1906 the federal government saw an opportunity to make money and control who got sick and who was healed when they get into bed with the Pharma industry and passed the Pure Food and Drug Act that created the regulatory measures and created the drug store, whereby ending the existence of the Apothecary stores of yester year.  Today we trust pharmaceutical companies who are more interested in profit then curing the sick and doctors who in some cases have forgotten their hypocritic oath and who sold out to the same pharmaceutical companies that claim to want to save those who are ill, only to make them sicker in the end.

Many, including myself, have been returning to holistic medicines once prescribed by Apothecary shops because the herbal medicines of long ago are much more reliable than a pill that is filled with fillers and very little medicine. Natural healing practices have also returned as many others believe that the pharma industry is not trust worthy enough to listen too, along with the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and various levels of NIH (National Institute of Health).
