No matter where I travel, I love to visit historical sites, especially if they're haunted. Don't ask me why I enjoy these types of places, but I do. While I was in Ohio a few years back, I had the chance to have lunch at the Golden Lamb Restanrant and hotel located in Lebenon, Ohio. Quaint little historical town filled with history and nostalgia worthy of a a stop and stay. Not only was the food magnificent, but the tour of the hotel was even better.
Having been in politics in Washington, DC for many years, I have always said that former representative are egotistic individuals who refuse to give up when their time in DC is over. And I was right.Clement L. Vallandingham former Congressman from Ohio fled to Canada to avoid being put to death for treason tried to run for Governor of Ohio while he was in exile. They just won't go away huh? Vallandingham who shot himself by accident while demanstrating how his client could have accidently shot himself when the gun went off. He died the next morning from his wound. It was interesting to learn that Vallandinghan was a staunt anti-war (civil war that is) activist and leader of the "Copperheads" as they were known back then.
There is also a little girl haunting the hotel and can be heard of seen at night laughing and giggling. They say she is the little girl who once lived at the hotel as a child but who grew up went off, married had her own family but when she died, she came back to where she grew up as a child. Her name was Sarah Stubbs. Another little girl who died in the hotel was the daughter of then Secretary of State Henry Clay under President John Quincy Adam's, Eliza who fell sick while they were traveling and the family stopped at the Golden Lamb and later died from her illness. The other ghost is Former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Charles R. Sherman who died at the inn. He left his family destitute, 11 children and a wife. His children were put up for adoption and it is said that he can't rest due to leaving his family penniless and his spirit can't rest. His son William T. Sherman became a Civil War General and war hero.
I highly recommend you stop to visit this famous Inn and restaurant should you venture near or to Lebanon Ohio. Well worth the trip. Ask to check out their old telephone switchboard.
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